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Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars

Running up and down corridors and using the multi-faceted sonic screwdriver have become all too familiar in the stories written by Russell T Davies... and The Waters of Mars proved to be no exception. The story was similar to a lot of previous Who plots but all in all was pretty good. In fact it was actually quite scary (see the chap in the photo) - and I could imagine there must have been a few kids hiding behind the sofa. The latter stages of this "special" were interesting in that they showed The Doctor in a different light and he displayed flashes of arrogance... being the last Time Lord and all!
David Tennent was of course brilliant but I am now becoming intrigued with how the new regime will tackle the next series. All change and a fresh new look and the disappearance of Russell T maybe exactly what is needed to inject new life.
Rating: 7/10