Recently I have noticed the stealthy and insidious advancement of the ultra bland Wendy Hurrell on BBC1. First of all she always seemed to be presenting the weather forecast on the 1pm news… now I’ve noticed her reporting her own news stories (one about not drinking over the Christmas period). Checking out her own personal website you can see where she is intending to go. I reckon Wendy will do anything to get her face on the telly. Bare naked ambition to get your face everywhere…
The steady march of mediocrity continues!
Rant over.
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8 years ago
Talented presenter in TV success shocker. Amazing that you should judge someone so vitriolically without even knowing them. How exactly would you know where she wanted to go or whether she has bare naked ambition? She's just good at her job. It's so easy to shout these things on an anonymous web page. Would you say it to her face?
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm guessing you maybe Wendy Hurrell (as you must have specifically searched "Wendy Hurrell" under Google blog search and I can't see many people doing that and being so indignant as to send a reply).
Answering your questions:
Personally speaking I don't see any talent. Reading I can see someone who is determined to publicise herself and become known across the media. I don't think I am shouting anything as hardly anyone reads this blog and "yes" I probably would say it to her face.
You do know she has been doing media stuff long before BBC London right? Working her way up to get to the position she is now. Long may Ms Hurrell continue!
i miss her on anglia weather
Ok Hammond, who the hell are you? Some talentless oaf methinks.
Ok Hammond, who the hell are you? Some talentless oaf methinks.
Wendy has worked in regional television for nearly a decade previously with ITV Anglia in Norwich. If you really thing she's climbing up the greasy pole of television, then she's doing a bad job of it staying on BBC London since 2008 doing the same job, bar some additional arts reporting and BBC London's other regional show Inside Out.
If you want someone to complain about, there are other presenters you could so easily tag instead of Wendy.
I went to school with Wendy and she had always worked here arse off at every thing she did. She represented our school for loads of different things and always went above and beyond. She was as good looking then as she is now so was in the popular group but always had time for others.
She deserves to be where she is she gas worked to get where she is and has never forgot where she came from. Good on ya Wendy this bloke is obviously bored with nothing better to do
Cheers Kieren
Leave our wendy alone! Or i'll hunt you down n put paul o'grady dvd's through your letterbox!
Those that can, do; those that can’t, teach; those that can’t teach, critique.
I saw Wendy at Top Gear.
Lovely legs, nice smile :)
What's wrong with intelligent eye candy?
I also know Wendy from school/college and confirm what Kieran says. Wendy was always bright and committed, annoyingly so at times! It seems to me that she has achieved what she has through hard work. She may well be ambitious, but who isn't? She has done well but her career path thus far doesn't suggest that she has been ambitious to the detriment of others. Keep up the good work Wendy.
leave wendy alone she is doing a good job
I've never seen a list of comments where people have been so supportive and positive. Check out any YouTube video's comments...I think you may have it wrong this time Hammond...
Pathetic Hammond. Wendy is a fantastic presenter and brightens up every programme she appears in. She has obviously worked very hard to earn a place at BBC London and I hope we continue to see much more of her. She is also drop dead gorgeous!!!
Wendy is awesome!
Keep up the good work Wendy :)
I live in the republic of Ireland and set my sky box to news 24 every morning in the vein hope of being woken by Wendys weather and travel report and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Bland is not an appropriate word for someone who puts the human face to news.
Checkout her report on parcour available on vimeo, at least she's brave enough to have a go!
You clearly are a complete idiot. The facts speak against everything you said. Wendy is a lovely girl who has achieved everything she has today through hard work. She has done very well in a very competitive industry and will most likely go on to bigger and better things. I hasten a guess but that is probably more than you can say about yourself.
Wendy is a great presenter. She manages to combine her knowledge and enthusiasm with a friendly and approachable demeanour. Long may she continue to be on my TV and radio.
Wendy is a legend. Not ONE negative comment about her! she is one of life's wonderful people and if everyone was as lovely as her the world would be a better place. Leave her alone! She's amazing!
If you wish to rant about something try the economy, poverty, housing, politics, racism, religion, homophobia, ect, ect, ect. Instead of attacking a hard working individual you obviously don't know anything about.
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