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World's ugliest fish in danger of extinction

"Stocks of the blobfish, popularly known as the least attractive resident of the high seas, have fallen so low that the much-mocked creature is in danger of dying out.
The blobfish is commonly found off the coasts of Australia and Tasmania.
It lurks unobtrusively at depths of up to 900m, and can grow up to lengths of 12 inches.
They are not actively hunted by the fishing industry, but the increasing trend for deep-sea trawling means blobfish are often being caught in nets laid for crab and lobster.
As such their numbers are dwindling, prompting fears that the blobfish's distinctive features may soon pass into history.
This is surely one fate that the lowly blobfish, already dealt a lousy hand by life's rich pageant, does not deserve." MSN website
Poor old blobfish... doesn't deserve it, even if he does look an ugly f*cker!