I am writing this next part from my sister-in-law's house. L is preparing dinner and N is bathing Little C. The usual "banter" is filling the air between L and N. Do not cross L!
N and I arrived back yesterday from our three day trip at Wilderness which is along The Garden Route. It took about 4 or 5 hours to get there from Cape Town and the journey was very straightforward. I'm not too keen on the way South Africans move over to the hard shoulder to let faster cars overtake as it can be rather dodgy to say the least! Truck drivers seem to be very considerate unlike their ignorant scumbag UK counterparts.
Wilderness is a pleasant place to stay with numerous restaurants and as excessive eating is a hobby that N and I both share we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I have some photos to upload later so you can get a flavour of the place. We spent the following day in Knysna (silent K) and went on a boat trip across the estuary which apparently has the most dangerous openning in the world. Lloyds of London will not insure ships to pass through and there are in excess of 400 wrecks on the seabed.
The following day we spent in Plettenberg Bay which is beyond Knysna and of course I inevitably ended up getting burnt. On the way back we stopped off and watched several people do paragliding - I had my camera ready in case any accidents occurred. One tandem glider had to abort a landing and narrowly avoided splattering themselves over the cliff face. That evening we had a 5 course dinner including a bottle of wine for GBP24.00 for two of us... pretty good value for money!
The journey back was quicker as I had mastered the art of the hazard lights by then and after a brief stop to watch some lunatic bungee jumpers we arrived back in Cape Town late afternoon.
To be continued.
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8 years ago
Hope you're having a nice time down there and glad to know you're not visiting any new countries while you're there.
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