The Hate List 2007 kicks off...
Argos or more accurately employees of Argos. A quick aside for my South African readers - Argos is a chain of shops where you order things via a catalogue in the store and they bring it to you from the warehouse whilst you wait... usually about 5 minutes. Now I have no problem with the amount of things you can buy or their prices... it is the staff. I think out of all shops in the UK, Argos must employ the most ignorant, slow-witted retards known to man. They are truly the most unhelpful shop assistants I have ever encountered (go to John Lewis for the other end of the spectrum). They are basically no better than untrained chimps! Actually I'm sure there is scope for a business that trains up chimps to do some of these jobs... postmen, tube train drivers for example...
Rant over.
The King Arthur Pendragon RPG is free to download
Hop on over to the nice people at DriveThruRPG and you’ll find the classic
1st Edition of the King Arthur Pendragon RPG by Greg Stafford available as
a fre...
8 years ago
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