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Postal Strike

Can't help thinking that the postal workers are doomed... only a matter of time now before they are demolished and the Royal Mail itself is wiped out by opposition. Unfortunately you only have to be a semi-trained monkey to deliver letters... and monkey means cheap... and cheap means exploited. They're f*cked!


Anonymous said...

Yes, I can't quite understand the unions.

1. All the post, sorting, delivering etc., is delayed until tomorrow.

2. The workers have to do 2x the amount of work tomorrow- without pay today (I presume)

3. All customers seek the services of the 17 rival companies to do the job if Royal Mail don't...

Doesn't make sense to me. i could understand this action if they had a monopoly- but they don't.


1. fire all those who are on strike

2. Employ a whole new batch of workers who are dole scroungers

Problem solved.

Game, set and match, I thank you.

Anonymous said...

Very true... but very depressing at the same time. The postal workers are after a payrise in line with the national average (2.5%) which has been rejected by the employers... I suspect the Royal Mail are using the excuse of fierce competition to wield a big stick!


Anonymous said...

Well all the postmen seem well paid, going by the cars they've got (I walk past Leagrave sorting office every day) . You don't think any of them 'supplement' their income in any way do you?

