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No. 9 Cyclists

In France and much of mainland Europe there are a series of professional cycle races who quite naturally have well trained fully equiped competitors... most of whom are not British. Why is it then (especially at weekends) along every winding road you find some boney-arsed-spectacle-wearing-git with fully skintight cycling regalia suddenly appearing in front of you on a dangerous bend. Then when you slow down for traffic at a junction they come sprinting up the inside and you have to go through the whole procedure again... and they are all the same type of idiot... and there are loads of them. But not one is remotely any good at winning a competition. Lance Armstrong they ain't!

The other type of cyclist I can't stand are the retarded ones who ride along the same winding roads, at night, with no lights on! Twats!

Rant over.


Anonymous said...

Oh I bet Mr Bateman loves to be called 'boney-arsed-spectacle-wearing-git with fully skintight cycling regalia!'...
Miss C