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The Hobbit and Watchmen

I've just been reading a report on AICN about the film versions of The Hobbit and Watchmen. It seems that The Hobbit has now been victim to another lawsuit this time from the Tolkien Estate. Apparently they have never been paid the 7.5% they are owed by New Line Cinema who made LoTR. What beggars belief is the second item about Watchmen. The film is nearing completion and suddenly 20th Century Fox (owned by Rupert Murdoch) has decided they own the rights and is suing Warner Brothers and demanding that it is not released. Unbelievable!!! What total scum Murdoch is... very very depressing. Deliberately let a rival studio make a film and then try and f*ck them over. Murdoch all over. Look at what he tried to do to Virgin Media!

Rant over.