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"Oh, the joy of warm pants and green lights..."

The Sunday Times was banging on about a blog called 1000awesomethings (you can tell it's run by a Yank can't you?) that lists a different thing each day that will make you smile. Makes you want to puke just thinking about it. Here are some examples...

When a baby falls asleep on top of you

The first hour of a road trip

Plugging in last year's Christmas lights and finding that they all work

When the hiccups stop

Museum gift shops

Your favourite old comfy T shirt

The smell of Play-Doh

Fishing a big piece of lint out of your belly button (... actually I do this a lot)

What a load of b*ll*cks.

Actually one entry I did like was: "blowing your nose in the shower". The trouble is I get a severe telling off if I'm caught by N, so I don't do it anymore.

Rant over.


Anonymous said...

Come on I can relate to some of these things and they sure put a smile on my's only when you experience it can you relate